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Why you should use video marketing for your business

Cinovation Productions / Blog  / Why you should use video marketing for your business

The digital marketing era has opened up new avenues of business marketing strategies. One of the most effective strategies is video marketing. Whether you’re a large corporation or small business, there are many reasons why you should care about video for your brand. Here are just 4 reasons why you should use video marketing for your business:

1. Bring more visitors to your website

Did you know that the more time someone spends on your site, the higher search rankings you’ll receive? Basically it means you’re way more likely to show up on Google’s first page results. Embedding video is a great way to increase the amount of time visitors spend on your website and may encourage them to explore your site even further, so keep that in mind when designing your webpage.

2. Show up in more social feeds and improve brand awareness

A fun and/or eye-catching video is likely to get audiences to stop scrolling on their phones and actually interact with your brand. Encouraging social shares can eventually lead to more traffic to your website.

3. Build trust

Having trust between the customer and brand is the foundation of sales. And one way of building trust is by providing your audience with helpful information. A product video or customer testimonial video lets you show (not just tell!) how exactly your product/service solves a problem. For some consumers who are skeptical before making a purchase, videos can provide that extra boost of confidence before they buy. Videos can add a story and get folks excited about your brand.

4. Easy to consume and engage with

Let’s face it – life is too short to be reading long descriptions of a product or a very complicated instruction manual. Watching a video is an easy way to consume information and allows your audience to view your product/service actually in action. Not only that, but difficult concepts may be even better explained through video rather than just text or photos. By having potential customers understand your product better, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

Now that you know why you need video content, learn more about the different kinds of videos you can create to build your brand in our other blog post here: https://cinovationproductions.com/blog/5-types-of-videos-to-build-your-brand/ 

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